"On Jan. 16th 2010 the Adopt-A-Dog shelter/rescue caught fire and burned down. I had cleaned kennels that afternoon and fed and watered, gave the dogs their treats and said good night. I turned off the lights and headed to the house to fix supper. At 8:00 pm a friend came into the yard yelling the kennel was on fire and my husband ran down to let the dogs out and I called 911 and headed to the kennels. Tom was able to rescue 6 dogs from the fire, but 3 did not make it out. It took no time for the kennel to burn to the ground. The fire Department here in Chappell was fantastic, they responded in nothing flat. Had the fire out in about an hour. Not a whole lot anyone could do. We had friends help bury the 3 and get water lines shut off and sewer system plugged. Then on Monday.
Our Dear family and friends came to help tear down the kennels and clean off some of the cement so we could still help the animals in our area needing our help. The Wagon Tails rescue group showed up the night of the fire and took most of the dogs and fostered them and found great homes for them. Our plans are to rebuild the kennels here, and make them better, with some added bonuses for the area. There are several fundraisers in my community helping my husband and I rebuild this kennel, which has been running for 15 years and I have been rescuing dogs for around 25 years. It is my passion to help these animals that are in need of our help and the communities help, I love what I do. And love the area in which I live."